Перевод для "criatura llamada" на английский
Criatura llamada
Фразы в похожем контексте
Примеры перевода
Que una criatura llamada Zontar vino de Venus.
That a creature called Zontar has come from Venus.
Tienen criaturas llamadas zombies.
They have creatures called zombies.
- Por una criatura llamada "El Backson".
- By a creature called "The Backson."
Una extraña criatura llamada hombre.
A strange creature called man.
Es una criatura llamada Krafayis.
This is a creature called the Krafayis.
Los océanos, con diminutas criaturas llamadas Plankton.
The oceans, with tiny creatures called plankton.
Estoy buscando a una criatura llamada Paulinho.
I'm looking for a creature called Paulinho.
He aguantado a esas criaturas llamadas hombres.
By the creatures called men.
Esta es nuestra pelea con las criaturas llamadas tortugas.
This is our fight with the creatures called the turtles.
Hay una criatura llamada la Dama Blanca.
There's a creature called the White Lady.
¿Había unas criaturas llamadas Penitentes?
Were there creatures called Grievers?
Pero primero fue una criatura llamada Ab.
But first there was a creature called Ab.
Ahora, sobre la Tierra había una criatura llamada caballo.
Now, on Earth there was a creature called a horse.
—En Sambria había una criatura llamada Carnag —dijo ella—.
“There was a creature called Carnag in Sambria,” she said.
En la tradición judaica existía una criatura llamada golem.
In Jewish folklore there was a creature called a golem.
Dime qué sabes de la criatura llamada Brona.
Tell me what you know of the creature called Brona.
En su lugar vino una extraña criatura llamada Verrall.
Instead, we had a rather terrible creature called Verrall.
Michael luchando con esa criatura llamada Lasher. Nieve y hielo.
Michael fighting with the creature called Lasher. Snow and ice.
A través el cual una criatura llamada el Dominador estaba intentando entrar en este mundo.
Through which a creature called the Dominator was trying to get into the world.
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