Перевод для "contraproducentes" на английский
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A menudo también son contraproducentes.
They are also often counterproductive.
Todo ello sería contraproducente.
It would be counterproductive.
Por tanto, a menudo son contraproducentes.
Therefore they were often counterproductive.
un acto profundamente contraproducente.
a deeply counterproductive act.
Este proyecto de resolución es contraproducente.
This draft resolution is counterproductive.
De hecho, son contraproducentes y peligrosos.
Indeed, they are counterproductive and dangerous.
Ello es, en el mejor de los casos, contraproducente.
This is counterproductive, at best.
La aplicación de presiones es contraproducente.
Applying pressure is counterproductive.
Así pues, esa medida sería contraproducente.
It would therefore be counterproductive.
-"Cobertura política, contraproducente..."
- "Political cover, counterproductive. "
Es peligroso y contraproducente.
It's dangerous and counterproductive.
¿Castigarle es contraproducente?
What? Is punishment counterproductive?
Los celos son muy contraproducentes.
Jealousy's really counterproductive.
¿No es eso económicamente contraproducente?
“Isn’t that economically counterproductive?”
Era una profecía contraproducente.
It was a self-defeating prophecy.
En cierto modo, las palizas eran contraproducentes en sí mismas.
In a way, the beatings were self-defeating.
Sin embargo, es generalmente contraproducente a largo plazo.
However, this is usually self-defeating in the longer term.
Exigir rapidez podía ser asimismo contraproducente;
To demand speed would also be self-defeating;
Zawahiri pensaba que atentados como aquellos carecían de sentido y eran contraproducentes.
Zawahiri thought such actions pointless and self-defeating.
¿Es contraproducente en y por sí misma la aplicación de la lógica a la condición humana?
Is the application of logic to the human condition in and of itself self-defeating?
—Suena hasta contraproducente —dijo Weinstein—. No parece sexy, ni… tenso.
“Sounds self-defeating,” Weinstein said. “Not in the least sexy or edgy.”
Dimka empezaba a sospechar que en política internacional la agresividad era contraproducente.
Dimka was beginning to suspect that aggression was self-defeating in international politics.
Sin embargo, cuando es excesiva se vuelve contraproducente y, todavía peor, tediosa.
However, when indulged to excess it becomes self-defeating, and even worse, tedious.
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