Перевод для "comerciantes de telas" на английский
Comerciantes de telas
Примеры перевода
fabric merchants
La cantina está hoy poco apacible. Hay dos borrachos calmos y sosegados, ahogando penas en una esquina de la barra, un mucha- chito norteño toca una guitarra y desafina en la mesa de la entrada, y un libanés comerciante de telas trata de venderles a gritos a sus dos amigos las bondades de una ruta comercial a lomo de muía rumbo al puerto de Acapulco, feudo de gachupines donde sus compatriotas no han podido plantar pie.
The cantina was far from quiet. Two melancholy drunks sat drowning their sorrows at one end of the bar; a kid played an out-of-tune guitar at a table by the door; and a Lebanese fabric merchant, talking at the top of his lungs, was trying to convince his two drinking buddies of the potential profits to be gotten by establishing a new mule route over the mountains to Acapulco, traditional bastion of the Spanish where his countrymen have never managed to get a foothold.
Mi padre era un próspero comerciante de telas de Bareilly.
My father was a well-to-do clothes merchant in Bareilly.
Era cierto, aunque el comerciante de telas era un mercero que había desaparecido de escena con suma rapidez.
It was true, although the cloth merchant was a haberdasher and he had vanished from the scene rather quickly.
—Su abuela contrajo matrimonio con un comerciante de telas de Colchester, un hombre muy adinerado —se apresuró a decir el señor Gadd.
‘The grandmother married a cloth merchant of Colchester, very well-to-do,’ Mr. Gadd said rapidly.
Ambas aceras estaban ocupadas por artesanos: cuchilleros, queseros, vendedores de encurtidos, comerciantes en telas y cerrajeros.
Both sides of the street were lined with artisans' booths: cutlers, cheese shops, picklesellers, cloth merchants, and locksmiths.
El comerciante de telas levantó los faldones de la camisa de Perry y lo acarició. —Tiéndete —dijo—. Ahora me perteneces.
The cloth merchant lifted Perry’s shirt behind, and stroked him. “Lie down,” he said. “You’re mine, now.”
Las autoridades calcularon la cantidad de trigo que correspondía a cada barcelonés y ordenaron al comerciante en telas Pere Juyol, veedor oficial de la plaza del Blat, el control de la venta.
THE AUTHORITIES had calculated how much wheat there was for each inhabitant and put the cloth merchant Pere Juyol, the official inspector for the Plaza del Blat, in charge of supervising its sale.
El comerciante de telas había depositado un puñado de billetes en la mano del militar con la promesa de que habría muchos más si todo iba bien, y le había dicho al conductor que las llevara a Perea, donde vivía uno de sus mejores clientes.
The cloth merchant had pressed a handful of notes into the army officer’s hand, with a promise of many more should all go well, and told the driver to take them to Perea, where one of his best customers lived.
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