Перевод для "circulaban rumores" на английский
Circulaban rumores
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Aunque circulaban rumores sobre el destino final de la condesa la verdad era bastante simple y triste.
Though rumors circulated as to the eventual fate of the countess the truth was rather common and sad.
Sobre este seminario circulaban rumores delirantes.
Wild rumors circulated about this seminar.
Circulaban rumores de que dentro había comida, lo cual parecía cierto.
Rumors circulated that there was food inside, which seemed only right.
Circulaban rumores estremecedores: Kansas City estaba a punto de ser atacada;
Shocking rumors circulated: Kansas City was about to be attacked.
Circulaban rumores de que los tramperos británicos habían entrado hasta el Snake y el Green.
Rumors circulated that British trappers had penetrated as far as the Snake and the Green.
Y ya circulaban rumores antes, no sé qué de una pelea anoche que se ha alargado hasta esta mañana.
There were rumors circulating before, something about a fight last night that carried over to this morning. Nothing concrete.
En la biblioteca circulaban rumores de que existían carnicerías humanas, pero yo nunca había creído en ellos.
There had been rumors circulating in the library that human slaughterhouses now existed, but I hadn’t believed them.
Circulaban rumores extraordinarios a los que todos daban crédito, porque necesitaban creer que había una salida a la situación desesperada en que se encontraban.
Extraordinary rumors circulated that everybody believed because they needed to believe there was a way out of the desperate situation they found themselves in.
Pertenecían al Cuerpo de Paz, pero circulaban rumores de que en realidad trabajaban para el gobierno de Estados Unidos y controlaban la actividad de los «rojos».
They were from the Peace Corps, but rumors circulated that they actually worked for the U.S. government and were keeping tabs on “red” activity.
Circulaban rumores según los cuales los coroneles que detentaban el poder en Polonia no estaban precisamente ansiosos de tener demasiados judíos en el ejército, dado que muchos de ellos eran izquierdistas.
Rumors circulated that the colonels who now ruled Poland weren’t too eager to have too many Jews in the army since many of them were leftists.
Cuando era profesor mío ya circulaban rumores.
Even back when I’d studied with him, there had been rumors.
Pasaron los años y circulaban rumores sobre él.
Years passed. There were rumors about him.
Circulaban rumores exagerados sobre su riqueza;
Exaggerated rumors about his wealth were circulating;
Circulaban rumores terribles sobre los interrogatorios de la Gestapo.
There were rumors about these Gestapo interrogators.
Siempre circulaban rumores de que los alemanes nos matarían a todos.
There were often rumors that the Germans were about to murder us all.
Circulaban rumores en todas partes: no cabía duda, estábamos atrapados.
Rumors were rife, and it became clear that we were trapped.
Además, circulaban rumores de su repugnante conducta con las mujeres decentes.
There were ugly rumors afloat in regard to their treatment of Mormon women.
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