Перевод для "cansado hambriento y" на английский
Примеры перевода
-Cansada, hambrienta, y ahora de mal humos.
Tired, hungry, and now very grumpy.
Cansado, hambriento y un poco irritable.
Tired, hungry and just a little bit irritable.
Estoy cansado, hambriento y sin hogar
I'm tired, hungry and homeless
Para entonces, Barney ya estaba cansado, hambriento y frustrado.
By now Barney was tired, hungry and frustrated.
Estaba cansada, hambrienta, sedienta y, ante todo, desconcertada.
She was tired, hungry, thirsty and, most of all, confused.
Me sentía cansado, hambriento, deshecho de estar a la intemperie.
I felt tired, hungry, weather-beaten.
Estuve perdido por la Indiana rural de 1973, y estoy cansado, hambriento y voy sin afeitar;
I've been gone for days, lost in 1973, rural Indiana, and I'm tired, hungry, and unshaven;
Llegamos al Commodore alrededor de las once y media, cansados, hambrientos y completamente aturdidos».[38]
“We reached the Commodore at about 11:30, tired, hungry, thirsty and completely dazed.”38
Para cuando el horizonte empezó a teñirse de rosa y rojo, se sentía cansado, hambriento y de mal humor.
By the time tinges of pink and red were visible in the eastern sky, he was tired, hungry and short-tempered.
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