Перевод для "bajo la manga" на английский
Bajo la manga
  • under the sleeve
  • low sleeve
Примеры перевода
under the sleeve
La Sra. Redfem sin ser vista por Linda, consultó su propio reloj, que llevaba puesto, pero oculto bajo la manga de ese extraño y voluminoso conjunto, que llevaba para protegerse del sol.
Madame Redfern, unseen by Linda, consulted her own watch... which she was wearing but kept concealed under the sleeve of that strange voluminous outfit she chose to protect her from the sun.
Aún estaría caliente bajo la manga.
It would be still warm under his sleeve.
Lo noté tan delgado como el palo de una escoba bajo la manga del traje.
It felt as thin as a broomstick under his sleeve.
—Deslizó un dedo bajo la manga, seguro que para acariciar la pulsera—.
He ran a finger under his sleeve, probably tracing the braid.
Cogió su cuchillo, escondiendo el filo en el antebrazo, bajo la manga.
He palmed his knife, keeping the blade tucked against his forearm under his sleeve.
Debbie percibió ronchas rojas bajo la manga de su camiseta.
Debbie had caught sight of red welts under the sleeve of his T-shirt as he moved.
Me fijo en la pulsera de cuero que lleva en la muñeca; se apresura a ocultarla bajo la manga. —¿Eso qué es?
I notice a leather strap around his wrist, which he hastens to conceal under his sleeve. ‘What is that?’
Le pasó la muñequera a Call, que se la ató al brazo, más arriba de la suya y oculta bajo la manga.
He handed the wristband to Call, who tied it onto his arm, above his own wristband and under his sleeve.
—Su mano se introdujo bajo la manga de su túnica, acariciándolo—. Eres guapo y velludo. El volvió a sentarse.
Her hand moved up his arm under the sleeve of his robe, caressing. “You’re nice and furry.” He sat down again.
Hans-Peter se dio cuenta de que el conductor llevaba bajo las mangas en ambos brazos protectores para realizar tiro con arco.
Hans-Peter noticed that the driver wore archery arm guards under his sleeves on both arms.
En el ascensor, cuando el brazo de Aaron tocó ligeramente el suyo, Annie pudo sentir su calor bajo la manga del blazer. Se estremeció. — ¿Tienes frío?
In the elevator she could feel his warmth under the sleeve of his blazer as his arm just touched hers. She shivered. ‘Cold?”
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