Перевод для "atraerse" на английский
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6.8 Con respecto al ofrecimiento de darle un puesto diplomático, el abogado explica que el Gobierno de Djibouti ha tratado en numerosas ocasiones de atraerse a los opositores ofreciéndoles puestos elevados y que necesita colaboradores instruidos.
6.8 As regards the offer to give him a diplomatic post, counsel explains that the Government in Djibouti has on numerous occasions tried to win over opponents by offering them high posts and that it needs educated collaborators.
El Gobierno puede atraerse la mente y el corazón de la población cambiando el modo en que esta ha vivido durante los últimos años, sin ninguna ley ni autoridad a las que recurrir en caso de necesidad.
The Government can win over the minds and hearts of the people by changing the way they have lived their lives in recent years without any rule of law and authority to turn to in their hour of need.
El Gobierno de Egipto ha llevado a la práctica, para la realización de este fin, diversos intentos de atraerse a los jeques de las tribus y ha utilizado métodos terroristas y de intimidación, y ha lanzado insinuaciones de que iba a expulsarlos de la zona y a privarles de agua, cortando las carreteras e impidiendo su libre circulación.
To that end, the Egyptian Government has had recourse to various expedients to win over the tribal leaders. It has also employed terrorist tactics against them, inspiring fear and threatening to expel them from the province, deprive them of water, close the roads and deny them freedom of movement.
Pero no olvidó el sabor fugaz del terror, y se dedicó a atraerse también la amistad de su hijastro.
But she did not forget that short-lived taste of terror, and now, to the surprise of the court, she set out to win the friendship of her step-son.
Sus dotes están en su risa, en su linda cara, en su malicia y en todas esas maneras de atraerse a la gente.
Her only gift is in her laughter and in her mockery and in her pretty face and in all her winning ways of gaining hearts.
Ah, Alison no tardaría en convencerse de que era capaz de atraerse el afecto de Antoinette con la misma facilidad que el de cualquier otra.
Aha-Alison would soon see that she could win the heart of Antoinette as easily as any one else's.
Anne-Marie se esforzaba en lo posible para atraerse de nuevo las sonrisas de la señorita Willcox, pero, como lo único que se le ocurría para conseguirlo era importunarla para que leyera sus poesías, no fue muy afortunada.
Anne-Marie was still trying her best to win back Miss Willcox's smiles-but as the only way she knew was by pestering her to read her poems, she was not very successful.
Su ignorancia, su crueldad, su orgullo, su lujo asiático su desprecio a las leyes, su afán de ser invisible, debían afligir a los helenos y latinos, que recibieron enseñanzas de Dionisio y de las musas. Incapaz de atraerse los corazones de los hombres libres y las inteligencias cultivadas, valióse de astucias;
His ignorance, his cruelty, his ostentation, his Asiatic luxury, his disdain of laws, his affectation of rendering himself invisible, all these things were calculated to offend those Greeks and Latins who had absorbed the teaching of Dionysus and the Muses. He himself felt he was incapable of winning the allegiance of free men and of cultivated minds, and he employed cunning.
En estos pensamientos se engolfaba tenaz y apasionadamente. Y aunque, a la postre, no se lograra nada, no renunciaría al intento, no debía desaprovechar la ocasión. Trataría, pues, de ganarse al sacerdote, haría los mayores esfuerzos para atraerse su simpatía, para entusiasmarlo, para convencerlo, para halagarlo. El clérigo era la única carta buena de su juego, las demás posibilidades no eran sino sueños.
He went over these ideas again and again. If they didn't work he could not give up; the game just couldn't be over yet. First he would try to win over the priest. He would try as hard as he could to charm him, to enlist him in his cause, to convince him, to flatter him. The priest was the one good card in his hand; all the other possibilities were dreams.
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