Перевод для "absolutamente recta" на английский
Absolutamente recta
Примеры перевода
La parte superior y la parte inferior del Virginal son absolutamente rectos.
The top and the bottom of the virginals are absolutely straight.
Absolutamente recta, esa es la manera de hacerlo .
Absolutely straight, that's the way to do it.
El sendero, que había sido absolutamente recto durante algo así como el primer kilómetro, empezó a serpentear.
The path, which had been absolutely straight for the first kilometer or so, began to meander.
Ángel sostiene la D de metal sobre el dibujo de una granja y dice: —Todas sus líneas rectas son absolutamente rectas.
Angel holds the metal D against a sketch of a farmhouse and says, “All your straight lines are absolutely straight.”
Fabian paseaba por la galería dando pequeños toques a los cuadros para colocarlos bien rectos a pesar de que a mí me parecía que estaban todos absolutamente rectos.
Fabian was prowling around the gallery, giving little touches to the paintings to straighten them, although they all looked absolutely straight to me.
A pesar de que todas las vallas, por naturaleza, se inclinan o se curvan según los accidentes del terreno, Durnik se ocupaba de que las suyas estuvieran absolutamente rectas.
Although rail fences, by their very nature, zigzagged and tended to meander with the lay of the ground, Durnik firmly insisted that his fence lines be absolutely straight.
Hacía pasar a Centella del medio galope al trote y de nuevo al medio galope para ponerlo al galope; se mantenía todo el tiempo absolutamente recto, incluso en las curvas.
He took Swift from canter to trot to canter to gallop, all the while preserving absolute straightness, even on a curved line.
El escaso cabello dorado revoloteando como cintas al penetrante viento procedente del mar Egeo, la columna vertebral absolutamente recta, las piernas colgando sin apoyo, tan poderosas y nervudas como siempre.
The sparse gold hair fluttered like ribbons in the keen wind off the Aegaean Sea, the spine was absolutely straight, the legs hanging down unsupported as powerful and sinewy as ever.
El coronel tenía la silla apartada de la mesa, las rodillas separadas, la mano derecha agarrando su copa y apoyada sobre el muslo, la espalda absolutamente recta y el sudor cayéndole por la cara rubicunda.
The colonel sat shoved away from his dinner, his knees splayed, his right hand gripping his drink and set on his thigh, his back absolutely straight, and the sweat charging down his crimson face.
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