Перевод для "a saltar sobre" на английский
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Este se vio obligado a saltar por una ventana como resultado de lo cual se fracturó las piernas.
The latter was forced to jump out of the window as a result of which his legs were fractured.
Los terroristas la mataron a balazos en la carretera, después que logró saltar del vehículo.
The terrorists shot her to death on the road after she had jumped from the vehicle.
Muchos estudiantes fueron heridos cuando trataron de saltar una cerca en el alboroto.
Many students were injured when they tried to jump over a fence in the commotion.
Obligar a la víctima a saltar al vacío o precipitarla al vacío
Throwing or forcing the victim to jump into a void
Cuando la policía entró en el piso, el fallecido "acababa de saltar por la ventana".
When they entered the flat, the deceased "had just jumped out of the window".
- amontonar a detenidos desnudos y saltar sobre ellos;
- Arranging naked detainees in a pile and then jumping on them;
Ella trató de saltar de la motocicleta, pero él la retuvo por las piernas.
She tried to jump off the motorcycle, but he held on to her legs.
- dar golpes, bofetadas y patadas a los detenidos; saltar sobre sus pies descalzos;
- Punching, slapping and kicking detainees; jumping on their bare feet;
Algunas han sido asesinadas y otras han muerto tras saltar de un coche en marcha.
Some have been murdered and others died after jumping from moving cars.
Y allí, en una rama, dispuesta a saltar sobre el primer ciervo, está la maldita nutria... oye, macho, ¿qué hacía una nutria en lo alto de Roger's Pass?
And there on a branch, waiting to jump on their first deer, is the goddamn otter. Hey, buster. What's an otter doing on the top of Rogers Pass?
Me pongo a saltar sobre la cama tanto como quiero.
I get to jump on the bed as much as I want.
¿Serías capaz de dormir con alguna mujer loca esperando a saltar sobre tu pecho?
Would you be able to sleep with some crazy lady waiting to jump on your chest?
Ibas a saltar sobre la granada y me adelanté a ti.
You were going to jump on the grenade, and I beat you to it.
Tendremos que saltar.
We’ll have to jump.’
Me aparté del borde del peñasco. —¡Saltar! ¡Claro, saltar!
I backed away from the cliffs edge. "Jump! Sure, jump!"
Saltar no era posible.
Jumping was not possible.
Se negaron a saltar.
They refused to jump.
Era hora de saltar.
It was time to jump.
—De recordar, no de saltar.
“To remember, but not to jump.”
Saltar no era seguro.
To jump was unsafe.
Cuando está abierto, incluso la de Buda es atraído a saltar sobre la pared del mismo.
When it is opened, even the Buddha is attracted to jump over the wall for it.
Voy a saltar sobre el mostrador y te patearé las pelotas.
I ought to jump over this counter and bash your fucking balls in.
Estoy bebiendo y voy a saltar sobre este Cadillac.
I'm drinking and I'm about to jump over this caddy.
¡Prepárelos a saltar sobre el puente!
Get them ready to jump over the bridge!
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