Перевод для "a ocurrir" на английский
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Esto no debe ocurrir.
This must not happen.
Eso no debió ocurrir.
That should not have happened.
Lo mismo ocurrirá esta vez.
The same will happen this time.
Pero ello no ocurrirá.
That would not happen, though.
Podría volver a ocurrir.
It could happen again.
Por supuesto, eso no ocurrirá de inmediato.
Of course, this will not happen overnight.
Eso no ocurrirá.
That will not happen.
Esto no es posible y no ocurrirá y quisiera asegurar a todos que no ocurrirá en absoluto.
This is not possible and it will not happen and I'd like to assure all the people here that it will not happen at all."
Eso no debe ocurrir.
That should not happen.
Nada va a ocurrir.
Nothing's going to happen.
- Tiende a ocurrir.
- It tends to happen.
¿Qué va a ocurrir?
What's going to happen?
Va a ocurrir algo.
Something's going to happen.
Va a ocurrir igual.
Has to happen somehow.
Pero lo que tenga que ocurrir ocurrirá.
But whatever happens, happens.
Ocurrirá cuando tenga que ocurrir.
It’ll happen when it’s meant to happen.”
Puede no ocurrir este año, pero ocurrirá.
It may not happen this year, but it will happen.
Lo que le va a ocurrir le va a ocurrir.
“What’s gonna happen to him is gonna happen.”
Esto que va a ocurrir no ocurrirá o no habrá ocurrido.
This isn’t going to happen or won’t have happened.
Si va a ocurrir algo, ocurrirá esta noche.
If anything's going to happen, it will happen tonight."
—Esto no ocurrirá inmediatamente —dijo Oakes—, pero ocurrirá.
"This will not happen immediately," Oakes said, "but it will happen.
Este tipo de incidentes no volvió a ocurrir.
No similar incidents have occurred since.
Además, pueden ocurrir accidentes nucleares.
Furthermore, nuclear accidents can occur.
Ese tipo de acoso no debe ocurrir.
Such harassment should not occur.
Formuló la esperanza de que esto no volviera a ocurrir.
It was hoped that this would not occur again.
El FMI no entiende cómo podría ocurrir.
IMF does not understand how this could occur.
Este tipo de crisis no debe volver a ocurrir.
This sort of crisis must not occur again.
Y eso ocurrió... esa separación empieza a ocurrir unos 250 millones de años en el pasado.
And that occurred... that split starts to occur by about 250 million years before present.
Si lo has hecho debo asumir que eventos inexplicables o hasta sobrenaturales han comenzado a ocurrir.
If you have, I must assume that unexplained... or even supernatural events have begun to occur.
Pero usted no sabía una el crimen iba a ocurrir al empezar la grabación!
But you didn't know a crime was going to occur when you started recording!
la siguiente colisión va a ocurrir dentro de 36 horas.
the next collision is going to occur within 36 hours.
Aproximadamente cuando los robos comenzaron a ocurrir en la Casa Rookwood.
Roughly when the robberies started to occur at the Rookwood home.
Y si el anunciado Apocalipsis fuera a ocurrir, ¿puede simplemente ser ésto parte de un ciclo periódico de fenómenos naturales?
And if the forewarned Apocalypse were to occur, might it simply be part of a recurring cycle of natural phenomena?
—No ocurrirá semejante tragedia.
No such tragedy will occur.
¿Cómo ha podido ocurrir?
How did this occur?
Pero aquello no volvería a ocurrir.
But that should not occur again.
—¿No está seguro de que esto vaya a ocurrir?
“You’re not sure this will occur?”
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