Перевод для "a la hora de" на английский
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Hora de lanzamiento: 10.11 horas (hora local)
Time of launch: 10:11 a.m. local time
- A la hora de la muerte.
At the time of his death...
¿Dónde estuvo a la hora de la muerte?
Where were you at the time of the murder?
A la hora de las estrellas...
At the time of the silent stars...
Me preguntaba si a la hora de su muerte...
I was wondering if at the time of his death,
Estaba con ella a la hora de la muerte.
- He was with her at the time of her death.
Muchas complicaciones sentimentales a la hora de estar con alguien.
Many sentimental complications at the time of transaction.
A la hora de la muerte de tu esposa, estabas...
At the time of your wife's death, you were...
Estaba encerrado a la hora de la muerte.
He was locked up at the time of the death.
- ...a la hora de la muerte de Delphine.
- at the time of Delphine's murder
¿Qué estabas haciendo a la hora de su muerte?
What were you doing at the time of her death?
Ya es hora, ya es hora, ya es hora
It’s time—It’s time—It’s time
—¿De qué hora a qué hora?
From what time to what time?
Ya era hora. Era hora de hacer algo.
It was time. Time to do something.
—¿A qué hora, Peg, a qué hora?
What time, Peg, what time?
—Porque... es la hora. —¿La «hora» de qué? ¿De quién?
“Because—it’s time.” “ ‘Time’ for—what? Who?”
Ya es hora de… No dijo de qué era hora.
It is time . . .” He did not say what it was time for.
Si estás dispuesto, ya es la hora. –¿La hora?
"If you've got the time, that is." "The time?"
Hora de marchar, hora de marchar.
Time to go, time to go.
—A su hora, a su hora —dijo Hrolf—.
“In time, in time,” said Hrolf.
Fecha, hora y lugar de comisión del delito;
When and where crimes occur
b) A la hora de responder a emergencias humanitarias graves;
(b) When responding to major humanitarian emergencies;
Lo tendremos presente a la hora de programar las reuniones.
We shall keep this in mind when scheduling meetings.
—¿Y a qué hora era eso?
    "When was this?"
¿De qué hora a qué hora y dónde se servía el desayuno?
“From when to when is breakfast served?” “Where?”
—¿A qué hora volverá?
      "When will she be in?"
—¿Qué hora era, exactamente?
When was this exactly?
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