Перевод для "a castrar" на английский
A castrar
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Примеры перевода
Quien, de propósito castrare o esterilizare, dejare ciego o mutilare a otra personas, será sancionado con prisión de cinco a doce años.
Anyone who intentionally castrates, sterilizes, blinds or mutilates another person or persons shall be sentenced to 5 to 12 years' imprisonment.
Soy un judío que no va a castrar, Kelno.
This is one Jew you're not going to castrate, Kelno.
Fields me va a castrar.
Field's going to castrate me.
Te voy a castrar.
I'm going to castrate you.
Mi papá me va a castrar.
My dad's going to castrate me.
Estábamos simulando que lo íbamos a castrar y se enojó mucho así que le cortamos las bolas.
We were pretending we were going to castrate him and he got real snotty so we offed his balls.
Le castraré por cabrón.
I’ll castrate the bugger.
Ni dar puñetazos o pisotear, o castrar.
Or punching, or stomping, or castration.
Castrar es lo que se hace a un hombre sano.
A castration is done to a healthy man.
No querrán volver a castrar el ganado.
They’ll not be wanting to come back and castrate the sheep.
Para empezar, mandaría castrar a tipos como vosotros…».
To begin with I’d have guys like you castrated.
Dijo que iba a castrar a todos los machos que viera.
She was going to castrate all the males in sight.
Quizá debía castrar primero a ese cabrón.
Maybe he should castrate the bastard first.
Fue no castrar a tu hijo nada más averiguar lo que era.
“It was not having your son castrated as soon as you found out what he was.”
No podían dejarlos a merced de los derviches y de sus cuchillos de castrar.
They could not leave them for the Dervish and the castrating knife.
El tratamiento de Karlsson ya había concluido y ahora tenían que castrar y analizar a otros, a muchos otros.
Karlsson’s treatment was complete, and now they had others to castrate and analyse.
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