Перевод для "throwing herself" на французcкий
Throwing herself
Примеры перевода
Lexie's practically throwing herself at Axl.
Lexie est presque en train de se jeter sur lui.
To throw herself into the canal.
Aller se jeter à l'eau.
She wanted to throw herself in the well.
Elle voulait se jeter dans le puits.
– Manuela wanted to throw herself down
- Manuela allait se jeter d'en haut !
To throw herself out the window!
Se jeter par la fenêtre...
- She wants to throw herself under a train!
- Se jeter sous un train!
She tried to throw herself in the well.
Elle a voulu se jeter dans le puits.
It would be her who'd throw herself at him.
Elle va pas tarder à se jeter sur lui !
Susie tried to throw herself off the terrace.
Susie a tenté de se jeter du balcon.
Wow, she can really throw herself around.
Wow, elle peut vraiment se jeter autour.
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