Перевод для "threw himself" на французcкий
Примеры перевода
Without a moment's hesitation, Harold threw himself into the water.
Sans aucune hésitation, il se jeta dans la rivière.
And he threw himself headlong into his work. To forget.
Et il se jeta à corps perdu dans son travail.
The third one threw himself into the heart of the flame and was consumed.
Le troisième se jeta au coeur de la flamme et se consuma.
He threw himself in front of a train two days after verifying the kid's DNA.
Il se jeta en face d'un train deux jours après avoir vérifié l'ADN de l'enfant.
The heavier man threw himself onto the blade.
L'homme le plus lourd se jeta sur la lame.
And then threw himself under the train?
Et puis il se jeta sous le train?
He threw himself on his knees and concealed his face in the sand.
Il se jeta à genoux et cacha sa face dans le sable.
He threw himself to the ground, hugged the gnarled roots, and wept.
L'homme se jeta a terre, l'enlaça et pleura.
He just threw himself...
Il vient de se jeta ...
And finally, he threw himself in.
Et enfin, il se jeta dans.
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