Перевод для "but it seemed" на французcкий
But it seemed
Примеры перевода
Again the concept seemed sound.
Là encore, l'idée semblait bonne.
According to the WCO this seemed to be possible in principle.
Selon l'OMD, cela semblait en principe possible.
The language used seemed appropriate for a commentary.
La formulation utilisée semblait convenir à un commentaire.
It seemed to reflect a lack of commitment.
Il semblait traduire un manque d'intérêt.
The system did not seem viable.
Par ailleurs, le système ne semblait pas être viable.
That list seems to have diminished.
Or, cette liste semblait avoir diminué.
The occasion seemed providential.
L'occasion semblait providentielle.
The Somali conflict seemed intractable.
Le conflit somalien semblait insoluble.
He did not seem to have lost weight.
Il ne semblait pas avoir maigri.
The woman seemed nervous and wanted to leave.
La femme semblait nerveuse et cherchait à s'en aller.
But it seemed she could find ways to thwart me just as easily.
Mais il semblait qu'elle ait réussi à me coincer tout aussi facilement.
But it seemed like too much responsibility.
Mais il semblait y avoir trop de responsabilités.
Maybe marty is smart and he's strong but it seemed like he was gunning.
Marty est intelligent et fort mais il semblait qu'il était idiot.
A day was 24 hours long, but it seemed longer.
Un jour durait 24 heures, mais il semblait plus long.
The Russian oligarch contingent was a tougher nut to crack, but it seemed relevant since a lot of the girls were Eastern European.
L'oligarque contingent russe étaitunécroudifficileàcraquer,/ i mais il semblait pertinent depuisungrandnombredefilles étaient Europe de l'Est.
But it seemed so real.
Mais il semblait si réel.
BOTH: But it seemed like he was growing up so quickly.
Mais il semblait grandir très vite.
But it seemed as if there was something else in the air that night.
Mais il semblait y avoir quelque chose dans l'air cette nuit-là.
Mr. Loski was clean and smooth on the outside... but it seemed like there was something rotten buried just beneath the surface.
M. Loski était gentil et agréable en apparence, mais il semblait y avoir quelque chose de pourri en lui.
I lived for the moment when I could redeem the hope in the eyes of my children, but it seemed california had just swallowed them up.
Je ne vivais que pour répondre à l'espoir dans les yeux de mes enfants. Mais il semblait que la Californie les avait engloutis.
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