Перевод для "and touched" на французcкий
And touched
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Примеры перевода
Be firm to the touch;
- être fermes au toucher;
He reportedly touched her breasts but did not force her to touch him.
Il lui aurait touché les seins mais ne l'aurait pas forcée à le toucher.
And touched her bony little arm.
Et toucher son petit bras osseux .
Bend over and touch your toes.
Penche-toi et touche tes orteils.
And touches your forehead.
Et touche ton front.
Sound, sight and touch.
Ouïe, vue et toucher.
High as you can, and touch the sky.
Et touche le ciel...
And touch her penis.
Et toucher son pénis.
And touching his johnson with your fingers.
Et toucher son popole.
Reach out and touch someone.
Atteindre et toucher quelqu'un. (Devise du sniper)
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