Перевод для "qin dynasty" на финский
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The Qin dynasty preceded the Han dynasty and it was the Qin ruler Shih Huang Ti who tried to reform education by destroying all earlier learning.
The Qin dynastia edelsivät Han-dynastia ja se oli Qin hallitsija Shih Huang Ti jotka yritti uudistaa koulutus hävittämällä kaikki aiemmat oppimista.
It followed the Qin dynasty (221–206 BCE), which had unified the Warring States of China by conquest.
Qin-dynastia (秦 ) oli Kiinaa vuosina 221-206 eaa. hallinnut dynastia.
In China, the tradition of scholarly investigation into logic, however, was repressed by the Qin dynasty following the legalist philosophy of Han Feizi.
Kiinassa Qin-dynastia tukahdutti logiikan tutkimisen, ja sen tilalle tuli Han Feizin legalistinen filosofia.
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