Перевод для "were standing" на русский
Were standing
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Uniformed and unarmed they were standing in a parade yard.
В служебной форме, но без оружия они стояли на плацу.
The author and the other co-accused were standing nearby in the bushes.
Автор и другой сообвиняемый стояли неподалеку в кустах.
According to one of the cameramen, soldiers who were standing nearby did not intervene.
По словам одного из операторов, стоявшие неподалеку солдаты не вмешивались.
An international observer described the execution of a civilian man near the place where the buses were standing.
Один международный наблюдатель рассказал о казни гражданского лица недалеко от того места, где стояли автобусы.
When some police officers who were standing nearby noticed the flags, they immediately ordered them to be put away.
Когда стоявшие поблизости сотрудники милиции увидели эти флаги, они немедленно потребовали их убрать.
Others gave accounts of groups of captured men who were standing near the road with their hands behind their heads.
Другие сообщили о группах пленных, которые стояли возле дороги, держа руки за головой.
They had complied with those instructions and were standing next to the tractor, when the Israeli soldiers standing on the roof of a nearby house opened fire on them.
Они выполнили эти приказания и стояли рядом с трактором, когда располагавшиеся на крыше соседнего дома израильские военнослужащие открыли по ним огонь.
On the relevant day, at about 10.30 a.m., Mr. Sadic and his boss were standing on the external gallery on the first floor - below the witness.
В тот день, приблизительно в 10 час. 30 мин. утра, свидетель стоял на внешней галерее первого этажа, т.е. находился ниже жертвы.
When they arrived, the doors were locked and the Israeli police were standing outside, reportedly with a warrant from the Ministry of Internal Security banning the event.
Когда они прибыли, вход оказался закрыт, а израильская полиция стояла в оцеплении, как сообщается, имея приказ министерства внутренней безопасности о запрещении этого мероприятия.
- dreamt you were standing.
- стояли во сне. - Да
We were standing right here.
Мы стояли прямо здесь.
You were standing over yourself?
Вы стояли над собой?
And you were standing there.
А ты стоял там.
We were standing right there.
Мы же рядом стояли.
- You were standing right there!
- Ты стоял прямо там!
You were standing near him.
Ты стоял возле него.
Is this where you were standing?
Вы стояли тут?
They were standing in the doorway.
Они уже стояли в дверях.
They were standing and waiting for something.
Они стояли и чего-то ждали.
they were standing near a light.
они стояли возле лампы.
They were standing in a dark corridor.
Они стояли в темном коридоре.
Crabbe and Goyle were standing behind him.
За ним стояли Крэбб и Гойл.
Here a number of peasants were standing and waiting.
Тут всё стояли и ждали какие-то мужики.
Bill and Fleur were standing at the foot of the stairs.
У подножия лестницы стояли Билл и Флер.
those at the back were standing on tiptoe.
Все взгляды устремились к нему, стоявшие сзади поднялись на цыпочки.
The horses were standing by him with their noses at his shoulder. “Ugh!
Лошадки стояли рядом, уткнувшись мордами в его плечи. - Уф!
They were standing on the stairway as they spoke, on the landing just outside the landlady's door.
Говоря это, они стояли на лестнице, на площадке, перед самою хозяйкиною дверью.
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