Перевод для "police were" на русский
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The police were informed of the incident.
Полиция была поставлена в известность об этом инциденте.
Police were present, monitoring the demonstration.
Полиция была на месте и наблюдала за ходом демонстрации.
Large numbers of police and border police were called to the area.
К месту происшествия было вызвано большое количество полиции и пограничной полиции.
The police were here earlier.
Полиция была здесь ранее.
The police were all over it.
Полиция была там повсюду.
- The Paris police were there.
Парижская полиция была там. Это все?
The police were at spencer's house.
Полиция была в доме Спенсер.
Of course the police were here, Abby.
Естественно, полиция была тут, Эбби.
The police were here last week.
Полиция была здесь две недели назад.
- The police were called.
Пришлось вызвать полицию.
The police were unprovoked.
Полицию не провоцировали.
Police were already there.
Полиция уже была там.
Police were asking questions.
Полиция задаёт много вопросов.
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