Перевод для "land had" на русский
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Those who did not have land had additional incentive to demonstrate loyalty to the Government in order to acquire it.
Люди, не имевшие земли, имели дополнительный стимул к тому, чтобы продемонстрировать свою лояльность правительству и таким образом получить землю.
Land had been cleared and returned to communities.
Земля была очищена и возвращена местным сообществам.
The land had purportedly been confiscated for public purposes.
По утверждениям, земля была конфискована для общественных нужд.
Land had been divided up among people who lived in villages.
Земля была поделена между людьми, живущими в деревнях.
this land had been his home. he had taken the white man's ways... and served in the white man's army... but now he had come back to the scenes of his youth... and a flood of long-forgotten memories. (Screeching) he had watched Wahmdi... lifted into the sky... by the strong medicine of the sun.
В детстве эта земля была его домом. и давно забытые воспоминания нахлынули на него. в волшебных лучах солнца.
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