Перевод для "ordainment" на немецкий
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He’d replaced them with furniture he and Ahrdyn Staynair, his years- dead wife, had assembled during their lives together. All of that was tasteful enough, but it was also old, comfortable, and (obviously) well loved. At the moment, Staynair lay tipped back, half lying in a recliner his wife, Ahrdyn, had commissioned for him when he was first ordained a bishop. He’d had it recovered at least twice since then, and from the condition of the fabric, he was going to have to have it reupholstered yet again sometime soon. The reason he was going to have to do that (this time) lay contentedly curled in his lap, purring in happy possessiveness.
Jetzt war das Arbeitszimmer mit Stücken möbliert, die er und Ahrdyn, seine schon vor langer Zeit verstorbene Gemahlin, im Laufe der Jahre zusammengetragen hatten. Diese Möbelstücke waren durchaus geschmackvoll, sehr bequem und zweifellos alt. Und sie wurden (ganz offenkundig) sehr geliebt. Staynair hatte es sich in seinem Liegesessel bequem gemacht, die Lehne war zurückgekippt, sodass er darin eher lag als saß. Den Sessel hatte seine Frau zur Feier seiner Ordinierung zum Bischof eigens anfertigen lassen.
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