Перевод для "was carrying" на итальянский
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He was carrying a water container over his shoulder.
Stava portando questo contenitore d'acqua a spalla.
He was carrying this guy down a hallway.
Stava portando questo tipo giu' lungo il corridoio.
The Captain was carrying a communicae back to Atlantis.
Il Capitano stava portando un comunicato ad Atlantide.
My killer was carrying my own damn casket.
Il mio assassino stava portando la mia bara.
She was carrying a casserole bowl.
Stava portando una teglia di lasagne.
E stava portando a Londra Fatima Zahir.
Jacek was carrying that with him.
Jacek lo stava portando con se'.
My wife was carrying the meal like this!
Mia moglie stava portando i piatti, proprio così!
...he was carrying a suspicious device.
...stava portando un ordígno sospetto.
I, um, I'm such a klutz. I was carrying the karaoke machine, and I guess I just slipped on some ice cream.
Sono cosi' imbranata, stavo portando il karaoke e credo di essere scivola su del...
I-I was carrying her down the stairs and I fell,anshe hit her head.
La... la stavo portando giu' per le scale e sono caduta, e lei ha battuto la testa.
I was carrying my brew to his house, as instructed.
Stavo portando il liquore a casa sua, come indicato.
Oh, they wanted some stuff I was carrying.
Loro volevano delle cose che stavo portando.
I was carrying up the empty bottles... and I hear that something's rattling inside in this room.
Stavo portando delle bottiglie vuote... e sentii dei rumori nella stanza.
i was carrying half a dozen cases at once.
Stavo portando avanti mezza dozzina di casi insieme.
I was carrying too many.
Ne stavo portando troppi.
I was carrying my sister Maksoon on my back.
Stavo portando mia sorella Mak-soon sulle spalle.
I-I... I was carrying groceries.
Io... stavo portando la spesa.
I was carrying the groceries... and this guy tried to take them from me.
Stavo portando la spesa... e, non so, questo tizio ha cercato di portarmela via.
- Somebody was carrying me.
- Qualcuno mi stava trasportando.
He had no idea that he was carrying the bomb.
Non sapeva che stava trasportando una bomba.
The ship was carrying Count Dooku.
La nave stava trasportando il conte Dooku.
What was this Chimera Nekhorvich was carrying?
Cos'era questa Chimera che Nekhorvich stava trasportando?
So this truck was carrying more than just people.
Il camion non stava trasportando solo persone.
What if she was carrying?
- Forse la stava trasportando.
He says he was carrying a small deer. A deer?
Ha detto che stava trasportando un cerbiatto.
She was carrying ingots of steel
Stava trasportando barre d'acciaio.
He was carrying some sort of traveling case.
Stava trasportando una specie di valigetta.
- He was carrying the body.
- Stava trasportando il corpo.
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