Перевод для "time as" на итальянский
Time as
Фразы в похожем контексте
Примеры перевода
Just in the nick of time as always.
Giusto in tempo, come sempre.
You use time as you wish
Puoi usare il tuo tempo come desideri.
Wasting your time as usual.
Stai perdendo tempo come al solito
"Time as a texture."
"Il tempo come una tessuto"
Yeah, think of time as a pond.
Si', pensa al tempo come a uno stagno.
Her time as a consultant is over.
Il suo tempo come consulente e' finito.
Here we don't lose any time, as you can see.
Qui non perdiamo tempo, come vedi.
My time as a human was over.
Il mio tempo come un essere umano era finita.
Just in time, as usual
Ma si e' arrivati in tempo, come al solito.
And you have survived all this time as...?
E siete sopravvissuti tutto questo tempo come?
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