Перевод для "subtropics" на итальянский
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It can only survive in subtropical environments.
Sopravvive solo in climi subtropicali.
Nobody has ever found diatoms in Greenland that came from the tropics to subtropics.
Nessuno ha mai trovato delle diatomee in Groenlandia che provenissero dai tropici o dalle zone subtropicali.
"you inhabit arid subtropical zones And wear spectacles."
Abitate in aree subtropicali e indossate degli occhiali.
Thought a country boy would know subtropical varietals.
Pensavo che un campagnolo conoscesse le varieta' subtropicali.
There are seven seas, and Tripoli is in the subtropics, Commodore.
Ci sono sette mari. E Tripoli ha un clima subtropicale, Commodore.
It's rare, subtropical.
E' rara, subtropicale.
i grew up in a subtropical climate.
Sono cresciuta in un clima subtropicale.
47 million years ago, this was a lake fringed by a subtropical rainforest.
47 milioni di anni fa, qui c'era un lago circondato da una foresta pluviale subtropicale.
How do you know your subtropical varietals?
Come mai conosci le varieta' subtropicali?
They live in very different environments, deserts, subtropical forests, by the seashore.
Vivono in molto diverso ambienti, deserti, foreste subtropicali, in riva al mare.
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