Перевод для "recyclables" на итальянский
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They are recyclable, Aaron would say.
Sono riciclabili, avrebbe detto Aaron.
We're very recyclable.
Siamo facilmente riciclabili. Fa un caldo infernale qua sotto.
Put that in. Right, that's the recycling'.
Those are recyclable. They don't count.
- Sono riciclabili, non contano.
Because she's not recyclable.
Perche' non e' riciclabile.
We use recyclable clothes now.
Ora usiamo vestiti riciclabili.
No it's an environmental-friendly, recyclable apron.
- E' ecologico... - e riciclabile.
I hope that's recyclable.
Spero sia riciclabile.
The bottles are completely recyclable.
Le bottiglie sono completamente riciclabili.
Take the fucking recycling out.
'Porta fuori il riciclabile, cazzo.'
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