Перевод для "powdery" на итальянский
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It's a... a powdery composite.
E'... una sostanza polverosa.
Surface seems powdery.
La superficie appare polverosa.
New York's dumping ground half way between West Egg and the city, where the burnt out coal that powered the booming golden city was discarded by men, who moved dimly and already crumbling through the powdery air.
Ametàstradatra New York West Egg e la città, doveilcarboneèstatomemorizzatobruciatodalfiorente Golden City, movimento aria debolmente polverosa e sbriciolato
Here, we also found a powdery substance in his pants.
Che altro hai? Qui, abbiamo una sostanza polverosa trovata sui pantaloni.
Not sure I have any skin cells yet. But there is a beige, powdery substance under his index finger.
Non credo di avere cellule di pelle per ora, ma sotto l'indice ha una sostanza beige e polverosa.
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