Перевод для "muscle aches" на итальянский
Muscle aches
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To muscle aches, spasms.
Ai dolori muscolari, agli spasmi.
What? Cold sweats, insomnia, muscle aches.
Sudori freddi... insonnia, dolori muscolari.
It's used for muscle aches and pains.
E' usata per crampi o dolori muscolari.
Muscle aches, chills, nausea...
Dolori muscolari, brividi, nausea...
It's probably just a muscle ache.
Probabilmente e' solo un dolore muscolare.
Allergies, muscle aches,
Allergie, dolori muscolari,
It aids in muscle aches in older people.
Allevia i dolori muscolari delle persone anziane.
She started complaining about headaches and muscle aches a couple of weeks ago, I think, and... and then she started feeling sick to her stomach.
Ha iniziato a lamentarsi per i mal di testa e i dolori muscolari un paio di settimane fa, credo, e dopo ha iniziato ad avere mal di stomaco.
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