Перевод для "means as" на итальянский
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As much as I want to means as much as I want to.
Come e quanto voglio significa come e quanto voglio.
It means, as you very well know, that you're a very important piece of this puzzle.
Significa, come ben sai, che tu sei un pezzo molto importante in questo puzzle.
What this means, as Mr. Price has stressed, is that this new loan program will not only provide the economy with a much-needed jump-start but, more importantly, give economic relief... To those most affected post-Five/Nine.
Significa, come ha enfatizzato il signor Price, che questo nuovo programma non solo dara' all'economia uno slancio piu' che necessario ma, cosa molto piu' importante, dara' un aiuto economico a chi ha risentito di piu' dopo il nove maggio.
Which means, as you said, they'll do nothing.
Il che significa, come hai detto, che non faranno nulla.
What do you mean, as I know? What are you talking about?
Che significa "come lei ben sa"?
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