Перевод для "large as" на итальянский
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If the world were only as large as this room. OK, sure, then I'd be fine.
Se il mondo fosse grande come questa stanza, tutto sarebbe a posto.
A creature as large as the one you're looking for would have left much deeper impressions.
Una creatura grande come quella che cerchi avrebbe lasciato orme molto più profonde.
They grew as large as human beings, began developing new reasoning powers.
Sono cresciute grandi come... esseri umani... Ed hanno sviluppato poteri incredibili.
It created a large dark spot and a fireball as large as the Earth.
Creo' una grande zona scura, e una palla di fuoco grande come la Terra.
Large as the largest.
Grande come i più grandi.
We De la Cuadras have lungs as large as Scottish bagpipes, damn it.
Noi De la Cuadra abbiamo i polmoni grandi come cornamuse scozzesi, cazzo.
It's as large as a Goa'uld mothership.
Questa cosa è enorme! E' grande come una nave madre Goa'uid
It certainly hasn't been calibrated for anything as large as this station.
Di certo non è stato calibrato per niente di grande come questa stazione.
And why so great, how can a louse be as large as a small dog?
Perche' e' cosi' grande? Come puo' un isopode avere le dimensioni di un piccolo cane?
It is not near as large as they say.
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