Перевод для "former mayor" на итальянский
Former mayor
Примеры перевода
What do you mean, "Former Mayor Torres"?
In che senso "ex sindaco Torres"?
The former mayor gets shot, and we're here.
Sparano all'ex sindaco e noi siamo qui.
No, the former mayor of New York.
No, l'ex sindaco di New York.
Hortense Larcher, wife of the former Mayor.
Hortense Larcher, moglie dell'ex-sindaco.
Uh, once again, we are confirming that the former mayor of Gotham City,
Confermiamo nuovamente che l'ex sindaco di Gotham City,
I think you mean former mayor.
Credo intendesse "ex sindaco".
Young high-flyer, former mayor.
Un giovane ambizioso, ex sindaco.
What does the former mayor have to do with this?
- Cosa c'entra l'ex sindaco?
It's New York Yankees versus former mayors.
I New York Yankees contro ex sindaci.
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