Перевод для "consent to" на итальянский
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You can't consent to anything.
Non puoi acconsentire a nulla.
Do you think Duverney will consent to a meeting with The Prince?
Pensi che Duverney acconsentirà a incontrare il Principe?
Do you believe that gina porter. Has the capacity to consent to sex?
Che Gina Porter sia in grado di acconsentire a un rapporto sessuale?
I told Charmese I was gay, and now she's gonna consent to a no-fault divorce.
Ho detto a Charmese che ero gay e ora acconsentira' a un divorzio senza colpa.
If I deem your death valid, I will consent to burying you, or your loved one.
Se giudico valida la vostra morte, acconsentirò a seppellire voi... o i vostri cari.
If my fair cousin will consent to release me?
Se la mia incantevole cugina acconsentirà a cedermi?
Why was I left out and have to consent to this impossible situation?
Perché mi avete esclusa e ora mi chiedete di acconsentire a questa situazione assurda?
has consented to be my wife.
acconsentira' a diventare mia moglie.
Father is going to consent to donate your heart.
Papa' acconsentira' a donare il tuo cuore.
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