Перевод для "as gods" на итальянский
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And rise as gods in the House of Batiatus.
E rinascete come dei nella casa di Batiatus.
The winners were treated as gods.
I vincitori erano trattati come dei.
We can't set ourselves up as gods.
Non possiamo imporci come Dei.
If Odin and Frigg are reunited, we will rule as gods once again.
Se Odino e Frigg si riuniscono... noi domineremo di nuovo come dei.
In a crisis, great emperors rule as gods rule.
In una crisi, i grandi imperatori governano come dei.
Together we are strong as gods.
Insieme siamo forti come dei.
They were creatures who were worshipped as gods.
Erano creature venerate come dei.
That's when people everywhere began accepting them as gods.
E' stato allora che la gente ha iniziato ad accettare gli Ori come dei.
They taught humans how to build and were worshipped as gods.
Insegnarono l'arte di costruire agli umani, che li adoravano come dei.
The man world worshiped 'em as God.
Gli uomini le veneravano... come divinita'.
We'll walk as gods among men.
Cammineremo come divinità tra gli uomini.
Last time I checked, neither you nor I where ever worshipped as gods.
L'ultima volta che lo abbiamo visto, né lei né io lo abbiamo mai adorato come divinità.
And when we possess all the stones, we shall walk on Earth as Gods among men. Reach out, and seize what was meant to be!
E quando avremo tutte le pietre, cammineremo sulla Terra come divinità tra gli uomini.
They have to see us that way, as gods.
E' giusto che ci vedano cosi', come divinita'.
A long time ago they were seen as gods.
Un tempo, erano visti come divinità e sono tornati.
The outcasts were hunted from above, rounded up and terminated, while Max and Robin were worshipped as gods.
I reietti venivano braccati dall'alto... radunati e sterminati... mentre Max e Robin venivano venerati come divinita'.
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