Перевод для "and becomes" на итальянский
And becomes
Фразы в похожем контексте
Примеры перевода
And becomes a pandemic..
- e diventa una pandemia...
And becomes a superior mate.
E diventa superiore ai suoi compagni.
He just pops up and becomes good?
Arriva e diventa subito bravo?
And become intensely hot.
E diventa estremamente caldo.
Drink and become immortal.
Bevi e diventa immortale.
Have fun and become a man!
Divertiti e diventa un uomo!
Leave and become a wandering ghost.
Vattene e diventa un fantasma.
"Come in here and have a cigar," you know, and become a star and become immortal.
"Vieni qui e prendi un sigaro", e diventa una star, e diventa immortale.
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