Перевод для "an examination" на итальянский
An examination
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Примеры перевода
If you want, I can set up an examination.
Se vuoi, possiamo fare un esame.
Well, I'm just about to head into an examination.
Beh, sto per assistere ad un esame.
Would an examination of Kajada confirm this?
Un esame di Kajada servirebbe a confermare quest'ipotesi?
One has gone away early, had an examination.
- E' uscito presto, aveva un esame.
I have an examination this afternoon.
Ho un esame questo pomeriggio.
But why, I must pass an examination, perhaps?
Debbo subire un esame?
I would very, very much like an examination.
Mi sarebbe molto , molto simile un esame.
And an examination with a Geiger counter.
E mi fecero un esame con il contatore Geiger.
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