Перевод для "also thinking" на итальянский
Also thinking
Фразы в похожем контексте
Примеры перевода
I was also thinking about Livewire.
Stavo anche pensando a Livewire.
So, I was also thinking that, um...
Quindi, stavo anche pensando che...
But you guys are also thinking about your movie.
Ma voi due state anche pensando al vostro film.
They tell me you're also thinking of rearranging the offworld teams.
Mi dicono che sta anche pensando di riorganizzare le squadre esterne.
I was also thinking of Mattias.
Stavo anche pensando a Mattias.
But I'm also thinking about somebody else's child, too.
Ma sto anche pensando al figlio di qualcun altro.
I'm also thinking no cake.
Si'... stavo anche pensando di non fare nessuna torta.
I was also thinking maybe I'd tell her yes.
Stavo anche pensando che forse dovrei dirle di si'.
I was also thinking about doing it again.
Stavo anche pensando di farlo un'altra volta.
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