Перевод для "writes was" на испанский
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In his study he writes:
En su estudio escribe lo siguiente:
The author writes,
El autor escribe lo siguiente:
--Do not write in this space--
--No se escriba en este espacio--
Reads and writes
Lee y escribe
"They say 'write what you will'.
"Dicen 'escriba lo que quiera'.
"The United States", he writes in his memoirs,
Escribe en sus memorias,
Working languages: Read, write and speak French perfectly; read and write English and speak it moderately well
Lee, escribe y habla perfectamente el francés; lee y escribe el inglés y lo habla pasablemente
President Lula writes:
El Presidente Lula escribe lo siguiente:
Write, don’t think, write.
Escribe, no pienses, escribe.
You write to me, I write to you.
Tú me escribes a mí y yo te escribo a ti.
You write to find out what you’re writing.
Escribes para averiguar qué escribes.
‘What? Writing about you?’ ‘Writing about the case.’
¿Y escribe sobre ti? —Escribe sobre el caso.
"Write your notes," he ordered me softly. "Write. Write or you'll die!"
– Escribe tus notas -me ordenó suavemente-.!Escribe, escribe, o te mueres¡
The story tells me: Write. And I write.
El cuento me dice: “Escribe”. Y yo escribo.
I don't write to God no more, I write to you.
Ya no escribo más a Dios. Te escribo a ti.
Write that they are not.
Escribe que no lo son.
Writing: 97.1%
Escritura: 97,1%
Outreach Programme: vernacular reading and writing; pidgin reading and writing
Programa de divulgación: lectura y escritura en lengua vernácula; lectura y escritura en lengua franca (pidgin)
(b) Writing on the drums
Escrituras sobre los bidones
- I thought the writing was competent.
- Yo pensaba que la escritura era competente.
Before then, writing was basically lots of simplified little pictures of things.
Antes de eso, la escritura era básicamente muchas simplificado pequeñas imágenes de las cosas.
Steinbeck wrote that the only purpose in his writing... was to help people understand one another... and that writing should reach out to help people comprehend... what's going on with other people.
Steinbeck escribió que el único objetivo de su escritura... era ayudar a la gente a entenderse... y que la escritura ayudase a la gente a comprender... lo que les pasa a otras personas.
I gave you an "A" because your argument was well structured... your writing was clear and concise... and you drew a connection from Marsilius of Padua... to Machiavelli to the modern age of media that... Ph. D. Candidates would envy.
Le puse una "A" porque su argumento estaba bien estructurado su escritura era clara y concisa e hizo una conexión desde Marcelo de Padua a Maquiavelo a la edad moderna que candidatos al doctorado envidiarían.
The writing was wonderful.
La escritura era maravillosa.
I was special, that my writing was unique, powerful.
Yo era especial, que mi escritura era Único, de gran alcance.
I can definitely see what Timothy meant by her writing was a hostile act.
Claramente puedo ver a qué se refería Timothy con que su escritura era hostil.
You told me you thought my writing was beautiful.
Me dijiste que pensabas que mi escritura era hermosa.
The writing was anywhere he could carve it --
La escritura era cualquier lugar podía tallar -
His writing was clear, vivid and above all thought provoking.
Su escritura era clara, vívida y sobretodo provocaba al pensamiento.
reversed writing was ordinary writing.
La escritura invertida era la escritura corriente.
“The writing…well, as I said, the writing’s wonderful.
—La escritura… bueno, como he dicho, la escritura es maravillosa.
'Is this your writing?"
—¿Es suya esta escritura?
This isn’t writing.’
Esto no es escritura.
Writing—D’ni Writing—is not merely an Art, it is a science.
La Escritura, la Escritura D’ni, no es sólo un Arte, es una ciencia.
You have writing?
—¿Tenéis escritura?
“And the writing in the books…is it different from the writing you have been teaching me?”
—Y la escritura en los libros… ¿es distinta de la escritura que me has estado enseñando?
The writing is illegible.
La escritura es ilegible.
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