Перевод для "would that" на испанский
Would that
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If that should happen, God forbid, we would all be at the mercy of those who have no regard for life or humanity.
Si ello sucediera, y ojalá no sea así, todos estaríamos a merced de quienes no tienen consideración alguna por la vida ni por la humanidad.
Let us hope that we can celebrate the long-awaited international consensus that would enable us to settle this unresolved item on the agenda of our Organization.
Ojalá podamos celebrar el esperado consenso internacional que permita poner un punto final a ese tema aún pendiente en el orden del día de nuestra Organización.
He hoped that the Cubans would do the same soon.
Ojalá los cubanos pudieran hacer lo mismo a la brevedad.
I would like to express our full confidence in your capability to promote our work and, I hope, to get closer to the breakthrough which we are waiting for.
Quisiera expresarle toda nuestra confianza en su capacidad para promover nuestros trabajos y, ojalá, acercarnos al adelanto decisivo que esperamos.
It was to be hoped that it would continue doing so, particularly in the languages of the Sami population, and collect any comments to which they gave rise.
Ojalá lo siga haciendo, en especial en los idiomas de la población sami, y que se vayan recogiendo los comentarios que susciten esas publicaciones.
With regard to the veto, Bolivia shares the view that, ideally, the international community should move towards eliminating this device — and, one would hope, in the not-too-distant future.
En relación con el veto, Bolivia comparte el criterio de que el ideal de la comunidad internacional es avanzar hacia la eliminación de este recurso, ojalá en un futuro no muy lejano.
Immediately entering into a commitment on elimination as sought by the Canberra Commission would not disturb these negotiations, except hopefully to encourage them to move faster.
El compromiso inmediato de eliminación que propone la Comisión de Canberra no alteraría estas negociaciones, salvo ojalá en el sentido de estimularlas a acelerar el paso.
Mr. Mayyaleh stated that when he told Yaron that his wife was pregnant and could die the policemen retorted: "If only she and that which is in her womb would die".
El Sr. Mayyaleh declaró que cuando él le dijo a Yaron que su esposa estaba embarazada y que podría morir, éste respondió que ojalá murieran ella y el que llevaba en sus entrañas.
I would be happy to be proved wrong on this.
Ojalá se me demuestre que no es así.
Would that you had been!
¡Ojalá lo hubiera sido!
If only he would come to her.
Ojalá fuera hasta ella.
"Would that it were true." "It is."
Ojalá fuese cierto. —Lo es.
Would that it was all true.
Ojalá todo sea verdad.
“I wish they would!”
–¡Ojalá lo hicieran!
Would it were not so.
Ojalá no fuese así.
Would that this were true.
Ojalá eso fuera cierto.
Would that it were possible;
Ojalá fuera posible;
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