Перевод для "white hair" на испанский
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White hair, white skin.
Pelo blanco, piel blanca.
He had white hair...
Tenia el pelo blanco...
Snow-white hair, sir.
Con el pelo blanco.
I've got white hair!
¡Tengo el pelo blanco!
- White hair, white beard.
- Pelo blanco, barba blanca.
They eat white hair.
- Comen pelo blanco.
- White hair, blue eyes.
- Pelo blanco, ojos azules.
A man with white hair.
Un hombre de pelo blanco.
The man with white hair was not.
El hombre del pelo blanco no.
A few of the women were white-haired.
Algunas tenían el pelo blanco.
Also there was a mystic with white hair.
También había un místico de pelo blanco.
Her white hair was wirestiff.
Su pelo blanco estaba rígido.
An old man with white hair.
Un viejo con el pelo blanco.
And—look at my white hair.
Y… mire mi pelo blanco.
White hair won't matter."
No importaría mi pelo blanco.
I am white-haired, old and feeble.
Tengo canas, soy viejo y débil.
The lampblack was reapplied, his white hair gone.
El pigmento negro cubrió de nuevo sus canas, desaparecidas.
‘I doubt it too. And white hair doesn’t worry me.
—Yo también lo dudo. Además, las canas no me preocupan.
even my students think that my white hair is distinguished-an improvement.
hasta mis alumnas opinan que mis canas son distinguidas, que mejoran mi aspecto.
I was the Third Man, for God’s sake, and he had white hair.
¡Yo era el Tercer Hombre, por Dios Santo, y él peinaba canas!
That sweet, white-haired gentleman?
¿Ese caballero tan dulce de pelo canoso?
These strands of white hair are from the wig, sir.
Las hebras de pelo canoso son de la peluca, señor.
I heard you arrested that old white-haired guy?
Me enteré que arrestó a ese viejo de pelo canoso.
Rather than despair as you plait your white hair...
En lugar de desesperar cuando trenzas tu pelo canoso...
The white-haired man is dead.
El hombre de pelo canoso está muerto.
Was with white hair.
Uno de pelo canoso.
Emily said the guy had white hair and piercing eyes.
Emily dijo que el hombre tenía el pelo canoso y ojos penetrantes.
I'll be the white-haired boy now.
Seré el muchacho del pelo canoso.
Do you see that guy with the white hair?
Bien. ¿Ves a ese tipo con el pelo canoso?
His thick white hair fell to his collar.
Su abundante pelo canoso le caía hasta el cuello.
Her white hair like spiders around her face.
Su pelo canoso era como arañas alrededor de su cara.
A spindly white-haired woman cackled like a hen.
Una mujer muy delgada con el pelo canoso rió como una gallina.
He was tall, dark-skinned, with somber features and white hair.
Era alto, de piel morena, rasgos sombríos y pelo canoso.
He was a white-haired, red-faced, jolly elfin cannibal.
Ahora era un risueño duendecillo caníbal de cara roja y pelo canoso.
His white hair was thin and long, sticking in all directions, rather like the hair of his eyebrows.
Tenía el pelo canoso, largo y escaso, encrespado como las cejas.
OK, I don’t know what it’s like to have wrinkly skin and white hair.
Bueno, no, no sé lo que es tener la piel arrugada y el pelo canoso.
Now he was white haired and rather too old for me, but you know how foreigners are.
Tenía el pelo canoso y era demasiado mayor para mí, pero ya sabéis cómo son los extranjeros.
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