Перевод для "were witches" на испанский
Were witches
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I thought travelers were witches.
Pensaba que los viajeros eran brujas.
Why do we think they were witches?
¿Por qué creemos que eran brujas?
They were witches and They burned at the stake.
Eran brujas y las quemaban en la hoguera.
If the alleged witches survive the dunking, they clearly were witches!
Si las preasuntas brujas sobreviven a la inmersión, ¡ Seguro que eran brujas!
You mean Mozart and Rembrandt were witches?
¿Quiere decir que Mozart y Rembrandt eran brujos?
And they used to burn crazy people who they thought were witches.
Y también quemaban a las locas porque creían que eran brujas.
But what if those women really were witches?
¿Y si esas mujeres en realidad eran brujas?
Because they were witches.
Porque eran brujas.
Why men thought their wives were witches?
¿Sabes por qué los hombres creían que las mujeres eran brujas?
Why did those girls say people were witches back in Salem?
¿Por qué esas niñas en Salem decían que algunas personas eran brujas?
My parents were witches.
Mis padres eran brujos.
There were witches in Genua all right. One witch, anyway.
Desde luego, había brujas en Genua. Al menos, había una bruja.
Both were witches and died under mysterious circumstances.
Ambos eran brujos y murieron en misteriosas circunstancias.
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