Перевод для "were unfortunate" на испанский
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The results were unfortunate for everyone but the Old Man.
Los resultados fueron desafortunados para todos menos para el Viejo.
“The negative events were unfortunate, but we were at war.”
Los acontecimientos negativos fueron desafortunados, pero estábamos en guerra.
He admits frankly that most of his love affairs were unfortunate, and it is not hard to see why. He was faint-hearted.
Admite con franqueza que la mayor parte de sus aventuras amorosas fueron desafortunadas, y no es difícil adivinar por qué.
Two of their number were unfortunate, jumping at the wrong moment in the boat's pitch and missing the rocks. They slipped into the depths, clawing for purchase on the water, fading into the blue until they were swallowed by the color and lost.
Dos de ellos fueron desafortunados porque saltaron antes de tiempo y no alcanzaron las rocas, hundiéndose en las profundidades hasta desaparecer en el azul del mar.
When we left Vietnam, we were unfortunate.
Cuando salimos de Vietnam, tuvimos mala suerte.
Those damn three were unfortunate.
Esas malditas tres daban mala suerte.
He said we were unfortunate, and we should give up.
Dijo que teníamos mala suerte, y que debíamos resignarnos.
But you could live immersed in that horror if you were unfortunate enough always to make the right associations.
Pero también puede vivir instalado en él si tiene la mala suerte de asociar continuamente las ideas justas.
He was known to be a hard, ruthless, bitter man who was as heartily hated by his men as he was by the criminals who were unfortunate enough to cross his path.
Se lo conocía como hombre duro, implacable, amargo, tan profundamente odiado por sus hombres como por los criminales que tenían la mala suerte de cruzársele en su camino.
You found an empty room, turned up for meals as usual, and generally no one noticed, although if you were unfortunate you might attract students.
Encontrabas una habitación, ibas al comedor a las horas habituales y generalmente nadie se fijaba en ti, aunque siempre podías tener la mala suerte de atraer estudiantes.
Stray bullets or disease or, if, like Maria Brod, they were unfortunate enough to become separated from their staff on those vast mountain ranges, they died of starvation and exposure.
Balas perdidas, enfermedades o, si tenían la mala suerte de verse separadas del mando en aquellas vastas cordilleras, como María Brod, morían de inanición y por las inclemencias del tiempo.
‘In Rendl’s case, well, it wasn’t just a matter of everything having its time to be believed, we were unfortunate in that the accusation wasn’t false and that he wasn’t in the regular German army, the Wehrmacht, let’s say, where he might have received nothing more than a reprimand, a period of detention or a demotion, or all three.
En cuanto a Rendl, bueno: no es sólo que todo tenga su tiempo para ser creído, sino que además tuvimos la mala suerte de que en su caso la acusación no fuera falsa y de que no militara en la Wehrmacht regular, digamos, donde quizá no le habría sucedido nada más allá de una reprimenda, un arresto o un descenso, o las tres cosas.
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