Перевод для "were unconscious" на испанский
Were unconscious
Примеры перевода
It seemed pretty clear that he had assaulted both of them while they were unconscious.
Parecía claro que él había agredido a las dos chicas mientras estaban inconscientes.
While they were unconscious, they saw a terrible and grim vision of the world's end.
Mientras estaban inconscientes, vieron una terrible y macabra visión del fin del mundo.
They were unconscious but alive when the ambulance showed up.
Estaban inconscientes pero vivos cuando la ambulancia llegó.
So we believe they were alive. But we also believe they were unconscious when they hit the water.
Por tanto, creemos que estaban vivos pero estaban inconscientes cuando impactaron contra el agua.
I think he took a rock and smashed their heads in, but they were unconscious.
Creo que tomó una enorme piedra y les rompió el cráneo, pero estaban inconscientes.
T'Pol said the Klingons were unconscious.
T'Pol dijo que los Klingons estaban inconscientes.
And they... you know... they would say they were unconscious.
Y... ya sabes... dirían que estaban inconscientes.
When we found the SERT team, they were unconscious on the floor.
Cuando encontramos al equipo SERT, estaban inconscientes en el suelo.
And when they were unconscious, you suffocated them with the lavender pillows?
¿Y cuando estaban inconscientes, les asfixiaste con almohadas de lavanda?
Catcher and the Radisha were unconscious.
Atrapaalmas y la radisha estaban inconscientes.
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