Перевод для "were invented" на испанский
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Do you know these glasses were invented by the Eskimos?
¿Sabías que estos anteojos fueron inventados por los esquimales?
They were invented by a scientist in Scotland.
Fueron inventados por un científico en Escocia.
- or MySpace were invented for?
- o MySpace fueron inventados?
Where porcelain dolls were invented.
Donde las muñecas de porcelana fueron inventadas.
Curse words were invented by people too stupid to think of an intelligent response.
Los insultos fueron inventados por personas muy estúpidas...
Birthdays were invented by Hallmark to sell cards.
Los cumpleaños fueron inventados por Hallmark para vender tarjetas.
- Numbers were invented by Arabs who hate art.
- Los números fueron inventados por los árabes, que odian el arte.
You look literally like you were invented by, like, pixar.
Te ves literalmente como si fueron inventados por, como, pixar.
You know cards were invented in China?
Usted sabe tarjetas fueron inventados en China?
Windmills. Did you know they were invented in Persia?
¿Sabías que fueron inventados en Persia?
Famous women were invented by innocent men.
Las mujeres famosas fueron inventadas por hombres inocentes.
They were invented only last year.' 'I didn't buy this, my lord.
Fueron inventados el año pasado. –No lo he comprado, milord.
Not that I wanted to give him too many details, and those I did were invented.
Tampoco le quise dar muchos detalles, o los que le di fueron inventados.
“We don’t even have mitochondrial batteries, and the damned things were invented here.”
Ni siquiera nosotros tenemos baterías mitocondriales, y las malditas cosas fueron inventadas aquí.
Negative numbers were invented in India.
Normal. Los números negativos se inventaron en la India.
Diamond necklaces were invented to be worn.
Los collares de diamantes se inventaron para ser usados.
Actually, that's what they were invented for.
De hecho, se inventaron para esto.
That's not why eggs were invented.
Los huevos no se inventaron para eso.
Okay, do you know why pants were invented?
Bueno, ¿sabes por qué se inventaron los pantalones?
Which is why grown-ups were invented.
Que es por lo que se inventaron los adultos.
See, this is why podcasts were invented.
Por esto se inventaron los podcasts.
Uh, novellas were invented.
Se inventaron las novelas cortas.
That's why cell phones were invented.
Para eso se inventaron los celulares.
Beds were invented for a reason.
Las camas se inventaron por una razón.
"That's why plasma arcs were invented.
—Para eso se inventaron los arcos de plasma.
That’s why high heels were invented, isn’t it?
Para eso se inventaron los tacones altos, ¿no?
"That," murmured Gibbs, "is why enlisted men were invented."
–Para eso se inventaron los reclutas -murmuró Gibbs.
A hundred new names and insignia were invented.
Se inventaron centenares de insignias y nombres nuevos.
Today I found out why chaperones were invented.
Hoy descubrí por qué se inventaron las carabinas.
For purposes of modesty bathing machines were invented.
Las máquinas de baño se inventaron por mera cuestión de pudor.
“Surrogates were invented on Miranda,” Marivaud said proudly.
—Los replicantes se inventaron en Miranda–dijo con orgullo Marivaud—.
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