Перевод для "well worth" на испанский
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The price is well worth it, fellow Gauls.
El premio bien vale la pena, camaradas galos.
A rent of not stealing our cows is well worth it.
Un contrato de no robar nuestras vacas bien vale la pena.
Hougoumont, still with its scars, is more wel­com­ing and well worth vis­it­ing;
Hougoumont, todavía con sus cicatrices es más acogedora y bien vale la pena visitarla;
“I’ll talk about the strike later, if you want, because it’s a story that is well worth the trouble of telling.
–De la huelga le hablo luego, si quiere, porque es una historia que bien vale la pena.
That is a gigantic gray fish—some can be as big as any palace—and well worth catching.
Es un gigantesco pez gris -algunos llegan a ser tan grandes como un palacio- cuya captura bien vale la pena.
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