Перевод для "weekly paper" на испанский
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The Clarion is a weekly paper that comes out on Friday;
El Clarion es un semanario que sale los viernes;
But a thing like that would be in Dooling’s weekly paper, wouldn’t it?
Pero una cosa como esa aparecería en el semanario de Dooling, ¿no?
The other day a journalist from a weekly paper had been to see her.
Días antes, un periodista de un semanario le hizo una interviú.
He was in shirt-sleeves and braces, with the weekly paper in one hand and the doorknob in the other.
Estaba en mangas de camisa y en tirantes, con el semanario en una mano y el pomo de la puerta en la otra.
I had been cochairman of a radical weekly paper, The Bay State Progressive.
Había sido codirector de un semanario radical, The Bay State Progressive.
Trouble is, Cordell was old news and nobody picked it up. A little weekly paper up there in the desert was the only one to run it.
El problema es que Cordell ya no era noticia y nadie lo publicó, sólo un pequeño semanario de la zona del desierto.
After I was married and had moved to Vancouver, I still got the weekly paper that was published in the town where I grew up.
Después de casarme y mudarme a Vancouver, seguí recibiendo el semanario que se publicaba en el pueblo donde me crié.
This was considered to be a “mighty flare,” according to Matthew Law, and since then Charles had become a regular contributor to the weekly paper.
Según Matthew Law, ese comentario se consideró un «poderoso arrebato», y desde entonces Charles se había convertido en colaborador habitual del semanario.
The weekly paper they took in the Rectory was the High Churchman’s Gazette—a fine old High Tory anachronism with a small and select circulation.
El semanario que leían en casa del rector era High Churchman’s Gazette, un refinado y anticuado anacronismo tory no ritualista y de escasísima tirada.
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