Перевод для "waist-coats" на испанский
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The next time he came round in the other direction, his white waist-coat preceding his face, and his toes preceding his white waistcoat.
La siguiente vez apareció de frente, el chaleco blanco antes que la cara, y los pies antes que el chaleco blanco.
His paunch was in any case always covered, summer and winter alike, with a horrible brown waist-coat.
La panza, sin embargo, siempre estaba cubierta, en invierno y en verano, por horribles chalecos marrones.
Don Eduardo took a small hourglass from his waist coat and set it on a horizontal bar of the cell.
Don Eduardo cogió un pequeño reloj de arena que llevaba en el chaleco y lo puso sobre un barrote horizontal de la celda.
"Quite right, were operating to a very tight schedule," said Dedalus nodding at his watch and tucking it back into his waist coat.
–Muy cierto, operamos en un horario muy apretado, – dijo Dedalus, asintiendo hacia su reloj y volviendo a metérselo en el chaleco-.
He was on a fine roan horse and was dressed in a fashionable manner, with buff-coloured breeches, a yellow waistcoat, and a narrow-waisted coat of dark brown velvet with a high collar.
Montaba un hermoso ruano, y estaba vestido a la moda, con briches color ante, un chaleco amarillo y una chaqueta entallada de terciopelo marrón oscuro con cuello alto.
Females, Edward believed, were often dazzled by an air of fashion; and had Damerel worn yellow pantaloons, Hessians of mirror-like gloss, a tightly waisted coat, a monstrous neckcloth, exaggerated shirt-points, rings on his fingers, and fobs dangling at his waist it might have occurred to Edward that he was a dangerous fellow.
Yardley creía que a las mujeres las impresionaba fácilmente un atuendo elegante, de modo que si Damerel hubiera llevado pantalones amarillos ajustados, botas relucientes, un chaleco ceñido, un pañuelo enorme al cuello, una camisa con las puntas del cuello exageradas, anillos en los dedos y leontinas en la cintura, podría haberlo considerado peligroso.
This fair man, whose sharp, cold, handsome features proclaimed him about thirty years old, and whose black frock-coat and gaudy waist-coat and long hair characterized him as a gambler of the period, was no other than Malcolm Lascelles, a Louisianian, whom Holly had met in New Orleans, during the concluding year of her school.
Aquel hombre rubio, cuyas facciones hermosas, frías y firmes indicaban que debía tener alrededor de treinta años y cuya larga chaqueta negra, el florido chaleco y el largo cabello le señalaban como a uno de los jugadores de la época, no era otro que Malcolm Lascelles, de Luisiana, a quien Holly había conocido en Nueva Orleáns durante su último año de estudios.
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