Перевод для "unpublished letters" на испанский
Unpublished letters
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If only I’d known there were some unpublished letters of Carducci’s in Ferrara!
¡Si hubiera sabido que existían en Ferrara cartas inéditas de Carducci!
I only knew of the thing because I’d run across references to it in several unpublished letters that Gibbon had written to his countryman and colleague, the great Edmund Burke.
yo solo sabía de él porque me había encontrado con referencias que lo mencionaban en una serie de cartas inéditas que Gibbon había escrito al gran Edmund Burke, su colega y compatriota.
Wallace wrote (I quote an unpublished letter), ‘Heredity, through which it is now known that ancestral characteristics are continually reappearing, gives that infinite diversity of character which is the very salt of social life;
Wallace escribió (cito una carta inédita): «La herencia, gracias a la cual, ahora sabemos, reaparecen continuamente las características ancestrales, proporciona esa infinita diversidad de personalidades que es la auténtica sal de la vida social;
Looking round and lowering his voice to a stifled whisper, neither more nor less than as if he were going to share a state secret with me, he told me the great news; that he owned a group of unpublished letters from Carducci, letters written by the poet to his mother in 1875.
Mirando a su alrededor y bajando la voz hasta reducirla a un susurro ahogado, como si fuera a comunicarme un secreto de estado, me dio la gran nueva: que él poseía algunas cartas inéditas de Carducci, cartas escritas por el poeta a su madre en 1875.
A very old manuscript of Flavius Josephus; sixty volumes of all sizes; a priceless jewel, namely, a Lucretius adorned with the arms of Philippe de Vendôme, Grand Prior of France, with notes in Voltaire's own hand; a manuscript of Richard Simon, and a set of Gassendi's correspondence with Gabriel Naudé, comprising two hundred and thirty-eight unpublished letters, had disappeared. This time the owner of the library was alarmed.
Un antiquísimo manuscrito de Flavio Josefo, sesenta volúmenes de todos los tamaños, una joya inestimable (el Lucrecio, con el escudo de Felipe de Vendóme y anotado por Voltaire), un manuscrito de Richard Simón y la correspondencia de Gassendi con Gabriel Naudé, compuesto de doscientas treinta y ocho cartas inéditas ¡habían desaparecido!
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