Перевод для "treat badly" на испанский
Примеры перевода
She loved him but she wanted someone who would treat her badly and whom she could treat badly.
Ella le quería, pero quería a alguien que la tratara mal y a quien ella pudiera tratar mal.
If so, you sacrifice him properly. Just occasionally, in desperation, you sacrifice a young man because he dances so abominably that it is really agony for your feet. But that I hardly ever liked to do, because I was tender-hearted, and it seemed unkind to treat so badly a poor young man who was almost certain to be treated badly by everyone else.
En ese caso, le castigas como se merece. De vez en cuando, se puede rechazar a los que bailan tan mal y que te acribillan los pies. Pero a mí me costaba hacerlo; tenía un corazón muy tierno y me daba pena tratar mal a un pobre chico del que todas huían.
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