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A crowd was gathering, readying itself to jeer.
Se estaba reuniendo una multitud dispuesta a abuchear.
Or maybe people have started booing and jeering.
Quizás el público ha empezado a abuchear y a gritar.
They content themselves with jeering at the celebrities coming to offer their condolences.
se contentan con abuchear a las personalidades que llegan a presentar sus condolencias.
They began to dance about and hoot and yell and jeer.
Empezaron a dar saltos y a gritar, a abuchear y a proferir insultos.
Peter’s people were reduced to heckling and jeering.
La gente de Peter se vio limitada a abuchear y lanzar gritos en la distancia.
George Bryan had just gaped at me for a moment, and the groundlings had started to jeer.
George Bryan se había quedado mirándome boquiabierto, y la turba había empezado a abuchear.
It was the turn of the Greeks to laugh and jeer, while the rest pushed on across the bridge.
Les llegó a los griegos el turno de reír y abuchear, mientras el resto continuaba cruzando el puente.
Virtually every vampire in the mountain wanted to be there to jeer at the traitor, spit at him, and cheer his sentence when it was announced. I'd come with Mr.
Prácticamente todos los vampiros de la montaña querían estar allí para abuchear al traidor, escupirle y aplaudir cuando se dictara su sentencia. Yo había venido con Mr.
When no word went back to Skene sahib, and seeing the townsfolk all comforting the mutineers, and jeering at his poor few, he offered to surrender.
—Al no tener noticias Skene sahib, y viendo a los de la ciudad apoyar a los amotinados y abuchear a los pocos que le quedaban, decidió rendirse.
You can't jeer at them;
No puede uno mofarse de ellos;
Others began to jeer and shake their fists.
Algunos empezaron a mofarse del hombre y a amenazarlo con el puño cerrado.
A few dared to jeer and groan with disapproval.
Unos cuantos se atrevieron a mofarse y dar muestras de desaprobación.
The Martians jeered and made insulting remarks.
Los marcianos se limitaban a mofarse de los ataques y proferir comentarios insultantes.
It is small use to jeer at the public for craving shoddy books, quack books, untrue books.
De nada vale mofarse del público porque desea libros de mala calidad, baratijas y engañifas.
If it came to that, then, if he were to be tumbled out of his place in such a way that all might jeer, he would find his own way to retaliate.
Si llegaban a eso, entonces, si iban a desplazarlo de tal modo que todos pudieran mofarse, encontraría la forma de desquitarse.
I can’t concentrate and start to feel agitated, nervous that they will hear you, that the boys will want to go outside and see you, jeer at you or help you, and ruin my private thing that I have with you.
No logro concentrarme y empiezo a inquietarme, me pone nerviosa que lleguen a oírte, que los chicos quieran salir a verte, a mofarse de ti o a ayudarte, arruinando la privacidad de mi relación contigo.
Thousands of people had shown up in the last two days to jeer and demand Crane’s head.
En los dos últimos días, miles de personas habían aparecido para escarnecer a Crane y exigir su cabeza.
The conviction that he went to plague and jeer at her, to exult over her expulsion from Mondolfo, kindled my anger all anew. "Stay! You there! Rinolfo!"
Y la convicción de que iba seguramente a burlarse y a escarnecer a la pobre muchacha, a befarla[10] a causa de su expulsión de Mondolfo, encendió de nuevo mi cólera. —¡Eh, tú, Rinolfo! ¡Ven aquí!
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