Перевод для "to inherit" на испанский
To inherit
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Right to inherit
Derecho a heredar
The right to inherit
El derecho a heredar
(a) The right of inheritance;
a) A heredar;
She will inherit as my daughter will inherit.
Heredará lo mismo que heredará mi hija.
Yes, inheriting has its appeal.
Sí, heredar tiene lo suyo.
Alexandra inherits everything.
Alexandra lo heredará todo.
You will not inherit the earth.
–Tú no heredarás la tierra.
But he was not content to inherit.
Pero él no se conformó con heredar.
She was sure about inheriting.
Estaba segura de heredar.
And I intend to inherit Trenwith.
Y heredaré Trenwith.
‘Yes, and she’ll inherit the estate.
– Sí, y esa prima heredará.
He will inherit a fortune.
Va a heredar una fortuna.
What genes to be inherited.
Buenos genes para heredar.
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