Фразы в похожем контексте
Примеры перевода
“It’s got to go up, hasn’t it?”
—Tiene que subir, ¿no?
He didn’t have to go up there.
No tenía que subir.
In all honesty, he did not want to go up to the big hole in the ground.
Francamente, no tenía ganas de acercarse al agujero.
So I saw that when they awoke, they addressed themselves to go up to the city.
Cuando se despertaron se preparaban a acercarse a la ciudad;
She wants to go up and touch him but she’s too scared to try.
Siente deseos de acercarse y acariciarlo, pero no se atreve.
He arranged to go up to Hampstead and see her that afternoon.
Jennings quedó en acercarse a Hampstead para verla esa misma tarde.
It seemed too risky to go up the drive.
Le pareció demasiado arriesgado entrar por delante.
'He's carrying explosives, and is afraid they're going to go up.'
«Transporta explosivos y pensará que van a estallar
The building started to go up like the Hindenburg over Lakehurst.
El edificio comenzó a estallar como el Hindenburg sobre Lakehurst.
I kicked to go up, my lungs feeling like they were about to explode.
Pataleé para ascender, porque tenía la sensación de que mis pulmones iban a explotar.
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